The name Amazon is known by many generations to be a legendary and fierce tribe of female warriors and believed in Greek mythology to be the daughters of Ares the God of War and Harmonia, a nymph of the Akmonian Wood. It is from this history, that explorer Francisco de Orellana, who was believed to have encountered a conflict with the native Amazon tribe Tapuyas, named the Amazon Rainforest, the very center of Mother Nature its name. The warriors of the tribe he encountered reminded him of the brave and strong women of the Amazonians from Greek mythology. This beautiful tropical rainforest located primarily in Brazil and stretches into Peru and Colombia constitutes more than half of Earth’s remaining rainforests with an estimate of well over 300 billion trees. For many before us, they were fortunate to be privy of such beauty in the world. Unfortunately, the same can’t be said for generations to come.
Amazon: The Centre of Mother Nature

Today, on 5th September 2020, in an age of modernisation and globalisation, Earth’s defenders have come together to mark the Global Day of Action for Amazon. This represents a mobilisation for the Amazon rainforest, directed at organisations and corporations that profit from the destruction of this very rainforest which is also home to the Indigenous people for centuries.
As humans, we depend heavily on Mother Nature’s gifts that have been taken for granted for so long. The Amazon rainforest contributes about 6% of the world’s oxygen and has long been understood to act as a carbon sink by absorbing large volumes of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. However, in the event of a forest fire, forests can release carbon at such a high rate that they end up releasing more carbon than absorbing it, jeopardising air quality which in turn affects its inhabitants.
Not only is the Amazon rainforest home to more than 10,000 species of trees, it is also the habitat of wildlife such as the Amazon river dolphins, capybaras, giant river otters, ocelots and many more. Unable to defend themselves from the clutches of human cruelty, they are the silent victims of deforestation. Are we, in this century, so lost from the meaning of humanity that we aren’t able to understand the repercussions of our actions?
With the destruction of the Amazon rainforest, it also robs future generations of an opportunity to experience the natural beauty and the wonders it has to offer. We lose the chance to discover the secrets and gifts native to the Amazon rainforest, are rich in nutritional and medicinal values. Some of such values come from Copaiba, Marajuca and Buriti oils which are commonly used as a natural ingredient.
Being mindful of the earth we live in and its inhabitants both human and mother nature alike is a giant leap to Earth’s recovery. Press “PAUSE” and take a moment to observe the beauty of mother nature that surrounds us and supports us in so many different ways. Embrace the steps we need to take to preserve earth at its finest and for the future generations to come.